Hapag-Lloyd is a global leader in container shipping, specialising in reefer cargo, dangerous goods and special cargo projects... ConnexAfrica is Hapag-Lloyd's representative in the DRC. For an efficient container and MPV service worldwide and more specifically with links to/from the ports of Matadi & Boma, please visit:
253 modern ships, 11.9 million TEU (Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit) transported per year, around 14,100 motivated employees in 421 offices in 137 countries. Hapag-Lloyd is a leading global liner shipping company and a powerful partner for you.
Visit the Hapag-Lloyd WebsiteDo you have a project? A challenge?
We are at your disposal to discuss it with you and to offer adapted solutions thanks to our services and tools. Contact us for any information or to request an appointment.
DRC West: kinshasa@connexafrica.com
DRC South: lubumbashi@connexafrica.com
DRC North-East: goma@connexafrica.com
Zambia: operation.zm@connexafrica.com
Hong Kong : hk@connexafrica.com